LOST Haiku

Even more clues
A woman named Clue Klugh to boot
Look at Walt’s neat ‘fro.

Couple of things…
Why would they believe Michael when he said they only had two guns when they lost like about 5 to them the first go round?
Why don’t they communicate with each other about their discoveries (the beard, the Pearl hatch, etc.)

2 thoughts on “LOST Haiku

  1. That would require trust which they obviously have issues with because all of them have HUGE secrets. I wonder why they want Hurley, Sawyer, Kate and Jack. Why would they not want Ecko and Locke too? I can understand not wanting Sayid because he could kill them all with his hands and flowing hair!

  2. I think the better question is why do they want Kate? They already had her once and they let her go. If they wanted her for whatever reason, why didn’t they just keep her?

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1 thought on “Lost Haiku

  1. Who shot ya…seperate the weak from the ob-suh-lete!

    So uhm it was 187 on a dirty Lost cop. Poor Hurley. Glad I have my spoilers to help my fix though or I would be in a coma!

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