I have decided to volunteer. after being put in check by a friend. that my life isn’t that bad, and I could be doing more to spread my wonderful self around. (my interpretation). That is, if the organization that i mistakenly sent my friend’s gratitude email doesn’t flag me as a deviant.

I talked to my sister via email. by Mother’s side, one for the one’s I’ve known an vowed to stay closer to. it’s funny how much alike we are. we’re both creative, love wine, and gadgets.

I am doing my first eBay auction. we’ll see how it goes. I am ditching Canon for Sony (Alpha A100), as far as DSLR cameras go. Sony has the antishake built into the body and you can’t beat that. I don’t think. Amazon has a reseller that’s got a killer package that I will probably roll a good portion of my refund over to getting.

I’ve been called a shitty, again, my interpretation person who is not a good friend. and I will own up to it. if you cosign, just nod silently and pump your brakes on the Add a Comment link.

my best friend called me to ask me to be his best man. i called him a liar, because he said it with the enthusiasm of a man who has been diagnosed with cancer. but, it turns out he was serious. he might have had something else on his mind.