i have been having to relight my hot water heater pilot light on a daily basis. now able to do all of the steps required in the dark. The development switched service vendors and the first guy said they’d have to order a thermal coupler if what he didn’t try fixed the problem. this is when i finally get them to come out there, and a big part of the issue is me find time to schedule meeting them. the water heats up in a bout 10 minutes so it’s not a major inconvenience. well this guy never called me back when i left repeated messages saying what he (Mike_Swain) tried didn’t work.

so i called the development’s guy and he said he told old boy to take a thermal coupler out there (which he lied and said they’d have to order one) and they’re trying to blow me off because they’re not the authorized vendors any more, so he gives me another guys name. “highly recommended,” development guy says.

so i call guy number two, who i’ll now refer to as old amnesiatic repairman. i call, explain the situation, he says he’ll try to get by by the time i get off work, if not that night the next night. i rush home. nothing. I call to remind him on day 2. it’s like we’re speaking for the first time. I reintroduce myself and restate the problem. rush home after work again. still nothing. I call again like look, see, bring yo ASS!!!

Dude comes over the next day. I swear to God looking like a full sized Bilbo Baggins but old, whatever number age Hobbits get when they’re white haired. So I will now refer to him as the Hobbit Repairman/Bilbo Baggins. Hobbit Repairman brings a thermal coupler, but says that the one on there was so loose he just tightened it. LIES! 1/2 hour later no pilot light. I call Bilbo and of course, get the Nextel Subscriber blowoff message. the 4th of July weekend officially started when he drove off in his truck.

which leads me to being able to be a ninja level pilot lighter.

now, my roof decided it wanted to leak for about 10 minutes and then just stop.

edit – OK why did i drop my phone in the sink while doing dishes last night. it was acting a little funny at first then it was ok. today it fails to power up. God is trying to tell me something.