When I came up with the title for this blog I initially thought that it would be something referring to a time when I was long gone and I could have this as a spot on the pages of History in time.

But recently many small occurrences have made me see that I’m losing my memory. I don’t know if it’s something that’s normal with the aging process but its kinda scary.

Tonight when I was moving stuff around in the garage I found 2 scraps of paper where one of my many times of starting to write some fiction I don’t even remember what I was going through to about writing those particularabout words but I’m assuming it was something that I experienced and I was placing in the characters life something from a time before I was married.

It was just like reading a stranger’s writing what he wrote exactly like me. I am currently using text to speech software on my android phone and letting it create the post in my wordpress Android app. It’s pretty cool because I don’t have to type anything its pretty much accurate.

Those of you who keep up with my blog seen my struggle to define who I am as a person and this is just another thing for me to worry about if I forget who I was, does that change who I am?

This week a high school classmate joined facebook and she sent me a greeting and I have not had any communication with her in over… about 25 years?

She was asking me about things like you’re still read comic books I’m not that dude ( although I do still occasionally read them) and she said that she had a picture of me dancing at her sweet 16 party which I have no memory of at all. When I think we really hard I can remember walking away from where she use to live but that’s it I don’t remember the party. Part of me is cool with letting go of my memories from back home aside from family so maybe I did let it go subconsciously. But I have grown and shed so many layers that the person that she remembers so far away.

If I’m slowly fading away I’ll leave breadcrumbs here to remind me of who I was.