BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | ‘New planet’ forces rethink

as cool as i think this is and as much as i wonder about life on other planets, I think we need to go ‘head and fix what’s going on down here before we go infecting other spheres.

The object some astronomers believe to be the 10th planet in our Solar System may have a moon.
The experts say that because the planet Sedna rotates more slowly on itself, it may have a satellite orbiting it.

“Sedna revolves once every 40 days, suggesting it might have a moon slowing its twirl” said Dr Mike Brown of the of the California Institute of Technology.

“We’re hoping to get some observations from the Hubble Telescope that should put that question to rest” he added.

Sedna was named after the Inuit goddess of the Ocean.

It was discovered in a part of space called the Kuiper Belt, which is packed with hundreds of objects made of rock and ice.

It’s thought that they are the left-overs from the creation of the Solar System.