which xmen character are you?
You are Professor X! You are a very effective teacher, and you are verycommitted to those who learn from you. […]
You are Professor X! You are a very effective teacher, and you are verycommitted to those who learn from you. […]
santa claus and black peter Charles Trueheart The Washington Post AMSTERDAM, Netherlands — Sinterklaas, the Dutch inspiration for Santa Claus, […]
I am 40% evil. I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a […]
numbers i learned in the last 24 hours the sun is 5,000,000,000 years old Osama Bin Laden is 6′ 5″ […]
Typo positive I discovered this by accident. look at where http://www.ciruitcity.com/ takes you…
What do you get for the egomaniac that has everything? How about their own Personalized Action Figure?
the best. the best? the best! – ooh. whee. Something I just stumbled across – CNN/TIME did some America’s Best […]
I upgraded one of our thermostats to digital last night, carving another notch on my home improvement belt. I managed […]