there is so much CRAP on tv…damn. working @ home really opens you up to that…
my recent observations:
- there’s a huge demand for TV Bailiffs. I wonder if there’s an opening. I had lots of experience passing notes in school.
- if you’re cheating, why did you take Maury’s lie detector test, feel on the decoy’s boobs and then agree to come on the show?
- why was Tony Soprano on Sesame Street? that just doesn’t seem right…
- ubbibonics. when I was a kid watching ZOOM I was well versed in Ubbi-dubbi. These kids today are slurring the ubbi-dubbi…I swear I didn’t know what the hell they were talking about.
save me!
Haha, Don’t do this to yourself. Take it from one who knows! Back away from the television!