Last night the “Move” episode of Seinfeld came on. I used to think that the “Man Hands” episode was my favorite – because I suffered through a similar experience but this one is up there in contention. It seemed to have so much going on. Jerry’s “sex move” that ended w/ the “clockwise swirl” but his mechanic bit the move and ended it w/ a pinch. And I’m racking my brain to figure out what the hell kind of move is that, knowing it’s made abstract for the purpose of being TV friendly. George trying the move but getting it wrong and having to cheat to do it right. Elaine noting from experience that Putty bit the move but not upset enough to want him to stop, Kramer’s story line w/ the ASS MAN tag (getting him honks and incidental ass), making Fusilli Jerry and inadvertently groping Mrs. Constanza and simultaneously biting Mr. Constanza’s move. And of course Mr. Costanza being impaled by Fucilli Jerry, in the fray w/ Kramer requiring him to see the real ASS MAN. Classic.