spoilers if you aint seen it

Tony S’s shot packed quite a whallop. I’m not a ballistics expert, but is there anything intact in the back of Tony B’s head?

The way Johnny Sack just kinda stood there and didn’t look to see why Tony took off, didn’t you think it was lights out for Tony?

Did Doogie Howser operate on his childhood friend after that caning he received?

Don’t you feel really sorry for the running-gag-lightning-rod-of-misfortune landscaper? Ever since Kramer killed his parrot he hasn’t caught a break.

Didn’t you think Paulie was going to be the second one to catch it because of that damned horse?

What is going to take to make AJ act right?

How will Johnny’s wife maintain her lifestyle?

Was it realistic for the first thing for Carmella to say to Tony was that his shoes were wet? Never mind the gash on his face and ripped up coat.