reality bites

did Omarosa set out to prove she was insane? she’s mad! simply mad!

She’s taken the crown from The Real World’s woman-slapping-teddy-bear-hiding Steven as the Most Embarrasing Black Person on “Reality TV”.

lock her in the Big Brother house with William Hung until she-banged back to her senses.

1 thought on “reality bites

  1. Where is Florida Evans when you need her??

    Can we get someone to slap her into next week? Like I’m Rick James Bitch!

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we are fighting over 2 remotes. I gotta watch what she watchin in the other room…that just aint right…anyway, I gotta clown the lady who lost Amazing Race 2 tonight on g.p….formerly seen in late night psychic infomercials. Didn’t the cards tell you that you were coming in dead last on the first show?

you will NEVER EVER catch me on a show like this or on TV voluntarily for that matter…COPS or an America Undercover Autopsy special maybe…

My story is finished and I read a taste of it in class tomorrow and may submit it for publication somewhere…

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