my post-Wire questions ***spoiler alert – if you haven’t watched it and plan to, look away!***

  • what did that guy get 10 copies of? and why didn’t he pay for it? if you’re going to pretend, you might as well do it right
  • why did Bunk tell McNulty “happy now, bitch?”
  • what’s the lieutenant going to do now? not like it matters…if you always got Jazz or classical playing in the background and eating off the fine china, you paid.
  • how did the trial end? did I miss something?
  • why did McNulty want to be assigned to boat patrol? so he could drink more? or so he can take his kids fishing? you know he like to kill 2 birds w/ one stone.
  • did D’Angelo kill anybody?
  • when is McNulty going to take out the ASA on a nice romantic date?
  • is the lady that plays D’Angelo’s momma really his momma? they got grill similarities
  • so what is the nearsighted stripper gonna do now? besides play house?
  • why isn’t stringer bell running his own organization? is he waiting for his community college degree?
  • what happened to the couch? did Poot order new furniture with his promotion bonus?
  • why was L’il Man really called L’il Man?
  • why was I like really disappointed that Bubbles is still on that stuff?
  • why am i still rooting for Omar?