setting up access was simple for the most part. trying to find my mac address took the longest, and that was just a matter of knowing what to do.

I also got around to getting the basement back in order. my first time connecting all of the stereo components, luckily the wires coming out of the walls were labeled and color coded.

and i got rid of one broken and one underperforming piece of workout equipement.

and i did laundry. two loads.

If you liked Being John Malkovich and Adaptation you’ll love The Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. just get over your Jim Carrey hurdle and go see it. Its really a movie about relationships, and the good and bad memories you have as a result.

the forest at the end of the road in front of my house is now a crater that expands daily. the house started shaking shortly after 7 A.M.

at the mall, people are wearing clothes that are too small for them and they don’t seem to mind that they’re spilling over at the edges.

I think I’m going to try to go to the Sundance Film Festival in January.