last weekend i bought this product to see if would do anything to fix three of my DVDs, I’m not sure if they got scratched in my Apex DVD changer system, which I have since retired to the bedroom.

Sky Captain And The World of Tomorrow got blocky and locked up at the dynamite cavern scene and The Office Special got locked up in the second chapter and for a considerable portion of time after that.

I’d like to think that I’m a bit more technical than my peers but my fixes for DVD scratches have been Bounty and Windex which haven’t worked. This product I said let me try as a last ditch effort rather than trying to replace them.

I don’t know exactly what it does, but as you crank the device after applying solution to the DVD it scrubs along the radius of the disk and you’re supposed to do it for a complete revolution, reapply solution and repeat.

well, it works. both disks play fine. I’m glad I got a chance to watch The Office Special (the post 2nd season followup), it was hilarious thus far and further distinguishes itself from the original, as you kinda feel sorry for David Brent even though he’s a complete buffoon.

I got my Skip Doctor from Radio Shak and it’s made by Digital Innovations LLC