Yesterday I received a subtle reminder of my mortality. I had an irresistable urge for bread pudding and ended up at the Harris Teeter. I was unsuccessful in my quest and I didn’t know where to find a bakery on that side of town. On my way out I ran into a lady I worked with at my old job. It’s been almost two years since I left there. Since I haven’t seen her, I notice the passage of time in the gray strands of hair I hadn’t seen before. She might have said the same about me. The difference was noticable like when i saw my Grandparents in April. Time is a river that wears us down slowly. I keep forgetting that. My folks used to be giants to me, now I tower over them and they look like someones Grandparents, although agewise they are young, to be grandparents. but it sunk in when I saw them they won’t be in my life forever.

it’s funny how each of the days you live add up to your life.

I need a haircut, a shave and a manicure.