That’s what my coworker CH asked me and JL the other day. That’s what “fake-ass-Denzel Dennis Haysbert says,” she said, discussing the tagline for Allstate’s new commercials. We looked at her like it was a setup for a joke.

“Who’s this Stan he’s talking about?”

So we got on YouTube and scoured the ‘internets’ to placate her increasingly maniacal ravings.

We finally found a commercial where he ends with the tagline that JL and I hear him say what indeed sounds like “That’s Allstate’s Stan” but we both have always just processed the meaning as “That’s Allstate’s stand.”

“SEE! THERE! HE SAID IT!” She says, finally feeling vindicated. Further justication comes from finding quite a bit of discussion on blogs and websites about this very issue.

The one slogan I got into a debate over was hearing
“Nobody does it like Sara Lee.”
when it’s really
“Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee.”
I think mine makes more sense. lol.