this obituary caught my eye in the local paper…if you wrote your own, what would it say?


Well, if you’re reading this right now, I guess I’m dead … gone to my reward … passed over … flown up into the arms of sweet Jesus. (We can only HOPE that’s where I’ve gone, as many have claimed over the years that the flames of hell were already lapping up around me!) A little history … I was born on April 21, 1956, (a Taurus, true to form) to Frank Payne and Wilma Myers Craver, the most wonderful parents anyone could ever have. Momma went to Heaven in 1989 and Daddy joined her in 1990. (I hope I’m there with them now!) Sadly, I must tell you that I am survived by no family to speak of (if they’re not “family” in life, then as far as I’m concerned, they’re not “family” in death). But, in their stead I leave behind to mourn, weep and wail my parting some of the most wonderful friends a person could wish for. Michael, my friend and inspiration since 1972, I owe most of the happiness I ever had in life to you. You were the “brightest spot” in my life and I will always love you. I’m going to ask for several “special” angels to watch over you. Don’t worry about me and don’t be sad. I’m better off (and so are you!). Enjoy life and spend the money wisely! Lord, how I hate to leave behind my dear friend, Juan, whom I met, online and who became my instant friend and confidante. Poom, it’s up to you to carry on our “traditions.” (Tell all my rowdy friends in Nashville “hello” for me – whether it is midnight or 4:00 in the morning!) (“You an’ me mus nevva part, ma-ke-da-da.”) It’s hard to do the hand motions when you’re dead!) Gilbert, I’m going to miss you. We had some great times and when we were doing the gospel music thing, I probably felt closer to God than any other time in my life. You were my very special friend. Over the course of my life, I made other friends that made living so much nicer … Kenneth, you’ll NEVER know how much joy you brought to my life in a way that only you could: James, my first business is finding your sweet Momma and telling her “Howdy!” I’m going to miss your wonderful smile and our trips to Value City; Chad and Eric, you’ve been wonderful friends, and I’ve had some great times with you and a very special friend, Johathan (AKA Sweet Baby James) … U- Ly- sses!!!! I’ve got some bad news for you (besides the fact that I am dead) … just as I had always suspected, God IS a Republican!!! Jo-Nathan, I will sorely miss you! Roger and Carole and the clan … though we were always separated by miles and miles, our hearts were close together! I shall never forget the wonderful people I worked with at CenterPoint Human Services … Charlene (the sister I should’ve had), Judy, Noel, Wendy and Loretta – you all made it possible for me to keep coming to work every day! You laughed at my corny jokes and quips, you put up with my rantings and ravings, and you allowed me to blaspheme ALL I wanted to! You were my wonderful family! (PS: Elaine and I will be visiting you often!) And who could ever forget my baby, Karo, who always called me that “ugly” word. Shame! (I’m going to tell Jesus on you!) In spite of the fact that you NEVER called me back when you said you would, I am still truly going to miss you! To all of you … you know me well enough to know that it was never my nature to say, ” I love you”. But the fact is, actions DO speak louder than words – and I hope my actions in life proved to you how important you were to me and how much I really loved you. Leaving all of you behind is the worst part of this whole dying thing! Those of you who knew me well are aware of the fact that I spent my growing-up years at the Hanes Baptist Church, and that over the years I have been active in the music departments of other local churches and with musical groups. However, in the past few years, I have chosen not to have a church affiliation simply because I’ve discovered that lots of church folks and pastors are the worst folks in the world to hang around with. They just don’t seem to have a grasp of the whole Jesus concept and applying it to their lives. I decided that all that mattered was my personal relationship with God, regardless of how unorthodox it seemed to some, and I believe I made the right decision. I may even be playing the piano for Momma and Daddy as you read this. There’s no need to stop by to see me … I wanted to see you when I was alive and this is really not the best time for a visit!!! And though I know I’m looking quite handsome in my final repose, the “box” will be closed to everyone except those with whom I spent my life. Just remember me from the last time you saw me. But please feel free to send flowers. I love flowers and surely did not get enough when I was alive! Oh, and will someone remember to put flowers on Frank and Wilma’s graves? Since I was the only one who ever took flowers there, I don’t have anyone to count on now that I’m gone, too. They’re at the Clemmons First Baptist church. (And don’t forget to bring me some. I’m not far from them. I’ll be staying at the Westlawn Gardens of Memory!) My final words. Treat each with respect, love each other, demonstrate that love, and speak it! Life is so very short. Pretty soon yours, too, will be over. Make a difference! Remember … people will forget what you said…. People will forget what you did … but people will NEVER forget how you made them feel!! Love, John. A graveside service will be 11 a.m. today, Sept. 10, 2002, at Westlawn Gardens of Memory the by Rev. J.B. Parker Jr. Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.