I used to think flight was a cool superpower, but the more i think of it, the more I see it’s not. If I had a choice I’d choose teleportation over flight, although it has its share of problems as well.

flight does not guarantee invulnerabillity. you could hit a building and die. or you could freeze to death if you’re up high enough, and breathing seems like it’d be difficult also. it’s better as a combo power (flight + superstrength, for example). you better be careful not to lose your pants if you fly fast enough. plus you might want to consider some protective shielding for your eyes/face. also some type of GPS device so you know exactly where you’re going. Also, it’s likely that goverments might not be so happy to know you’re dropping into other countries unannounced and undocumented. Forget about maintaining a hairstyle unless you’re bald. Afraid of heights? forget about it.

as far as flying styles, the one fist forward pose seems quite lame. not sold on the two fisted approach, or the two palms open, fingers extended one either. I think I’d just do the head forward, shoulders back thing. a good backpack with strong straps for weekend getaways is required.

one last thing: be careful about flying around the Northern VA, MD, DC area as you might get shot down.