the other night i had this dream that i was getting a haircut, it was based on reality because I wanted to get a haircut earlier that day but I thought I was too sick to actually go and expose my sick self to my barber.

so i’m getting a haircut in my dream but then the scene suddenly transitions – walls twist and fall away(like that Snicker’s Commercial), the set changes, but I’m still wearing half a haircut no barber to be found.

I run into Farrah Fawcett who somehow shares knowledge with my that she can cut hair. Not Angels-peak Farrah, but post-Letterman quite unbalanced Farrah. a magazine i got this week has a full page ad for some show featuring her. damn magazine. I’m desparate at this point. So hook me up Farrah. another scene change. I’m in my office at work. This lady who’s an admin from a totally different department miles away pokes her head in my office like she’s in the neighborhood. i’m like “what do you want?” she’s like “oh, nothing” and meanders on.

i become vaguely aware that i’m naked, and sitting on the floor w/ no furniture, and my head has all kind of patches and symbols in it courtesy of you know who.

I become disturbed — not because I’m naked — but because I got a jacked up haircut that cause people from miles away to come see for themselves. and suddenly, the dream ends.