Much of the talk in the office and via emails the past couple days has been of this beautiful web slideshow that displays an elaborate engagement process. The link has been forwarded around in many of my degrees of separation, slowing down the website’s servers. In an unscientific survey about 100% of the men I talked to thought it was over the top. and about 35% of women I spoke to directly thought so too (percentages in favor based on word of mouth surveys of women were higher and some even cried). The men didn’t care to see the whole thing, and ALL of the women wanted to see the ring. I can’t speak to his situation, everyone has to express themselves individually, but if it were me, I’d be getting married in room #10 after all that glitz and fanfare.

I can’t consign on that display from the aspect of she will probably ALWAYS look at that and be like “now you got me, you don’t send me gold tipped roses anymore”

But kudos on the presentation and photography.

The link in question. good luck with bandwidth.