I was watching a Discovery special last night on the difference between the sexes. It was pretty good…a lot of mind blowing statistics, most of which i forgot. some I wrote down:

Women are born with 300,000 eggs

Pheremones – women can subconciously detect men’s immunity systems through smell and are attracted to the same immunity system as their father

With each heartbeat, men make 1,000 sperm

Women’s brain halves are more similar to each other and men’s are more different. Women can see the big picture, men can see details. In an experiment with falling dollars, 6 year old girls didn’t catch any and the boys caught an average of 6 dollars.

Men and women are in a constant state of sexual arousal. In men, the brain is constantly working to keep the penis limp.

In life women tend to live longer and their cells are more resilient because of the extra chromosome.

According to one scientist the difference in length between the ring finger and the index finger determine heart problems in men potentially. The closer they are in length, the higher the risk.

Testosterone promotes long life in men, too much early in life can promote autism and dyslexia.

Too little estrogen promotes heart disease in women, too much promotes breast cancer.

i think this is accurate…i fell asleep during the middle. I have been documenting the differences just from my experience over the last few weeks.