this will be a memorable thanksgiving, for reasons i should not get into, but it’ll be the last one in this(the inlaws) house, as it’s not accessible to pop-in-law. in absence of the man of the house, I deepfried the turkey (if it ended up messed up I let everyone know I was just following instructions) and put the black and decker electric knife to good use. J’s mac & cheese was delicious. i got on the treadmill Friday morning and it kicked my butt. I’d got too comfy with the recumbent bike.

pop is about 25% of the person I remember, but his sense of humor is still intact. he did something that made the room laugh in spite of the situation. most of his communication is non-verbal, through facial expression.

his roomate is quite gassy.

every time I come to the ‘ville i see old familiar faces. maybe I’m naive, but the people at the flea market mall are bold. they sit there burning PS2 games while you wait. and at 2 other booths they were selling Bad Santa and I’m like “didn’t that just come out today?”