stop me if you’ve heard this before.

I am sitting here going thru music loops i got from Roc and got distracted and realized I was listening to the same 4 second loop for the last 10 – no make that 15 minutes. reminds me of my youth, losing myself in thoughts set to a soundtrack, thinking about this girl I was infatuated with named Rosetta. it was something about her. she was so different. not hardly perfect, just different from any of the other high school girls i knew. at times too different. on the cute side of ordinary. she was a sophisticated entity. intelligent. mature. difficult. unattainable. I got an F one semester spending my afternoons listening to some stupid 80s song over and over and over in my room thinking about Rosetta instead of doing my homework.

come to think of it…we probably wouldn’t have gotten along, but I really wanted her because I couldn’t have her.

what? sour grapes? don’t be ridiculous!