Ok, i’m an Apple convert. I’m blown away by how many artists are on iTunes that I’ve never heard of, and with this glorious geekcandy that is Nike+ I’ve been more consistent about running on dark weekday mornings and weekends thus far than I’ve been since about my prime of running 15 miles a week in the Army. I think i can do that much now but spread out over more days.

I’m thinking about adding the Nike+ wordpress plug in just to make myself honest and consistent.

I’m diggin photography more than web design. it’s the new passion. i just need to become adept at it. can’t wait for my out of stock macro lens comes in the mail. I tried to order Grandpa Joe a 35mm lens through ebay for his birthday damn I need to get his card in the mail today…but they didn’t have a way for me to leave shipping information and it’s in limbo now. I put in a made up amount for shipping and they took it.

I am doing Twitter. not sure why, everyone else was jumping off the bridge, I guess. but we’ll see.