earlier today my coworkers and I were talking about “tests” that tell about your date or significant other’s personality. I thought a good sign to test the true temperaments of two individuals was the good old 5+ hours road trip. My coworker swore by the Waitress Test. The way your date treats the wait staff is how you’ll be treated 6 months down the road.

At lunch I ate with the two J’s. Indian Buffet. As open as I am to all cultures, eating at the new Indian restaurant a couple years ago I was put off by the hair that was one of the unlisted ingredients in my meal that i discovered a few bites away from completion. I was happy with the decision that I continue the rest of life without dining there ever again. Today I arrived at another restaurant in another part of town, same setup. and one of the J’s knows the story. on cleaning my plate, what do I see? the other hair’s cousin, long and dark, intertwined in serpentine twists in its deep fried coccoon.

The results of today’s Waitress Test: I pay for the food, don’t cause a fuss and quietly vow to never ever return.