I love Android and was going to do a quick post on my favorite 5 Android Apps. I own a Rooted T-Mobile G1 with an 8GB micro SD card so I am able to add as many apps as I please. It was tough to narrow it down to 5, so I scrapped that plan. These are a few apps that I use on the regular.

Google Maps with Navigation – this app was a major deal when it came out. I’ve been doing some type of GPS w/ Handheld configurations since the Palm V. This version of Google Maps makes dedicated GPS navigation systems obsolete. Voice assisted realtime navigation, layers (satellite layer shown), and voice imput search makes this unbeatable.

Places Directory – there are a few other apps that are similar, I like this one for its simplicity. You put in the category like business, restaurant, bank, etc. and it finds the closes available locations for that category. I like that for each result is a distance and direction indicator that updates when you move.

Android Online Radio – Supports Shoutcast and Icescast streams. Just recently downloaded but have been able to listen to some local stations.

tv.com – is basically CBS’s version of HULU, with a few other online content partners like cnet. If Hulu had an app like this it would be major. NBC’s mobile site while not an app has similar online video viewing.

Shop Savvy – I use this when I’m shopping for electronics, if I’m out in Best Buy, for example,, I scan the barcode and it will tell me what the cheapest local and online prices are. Good moneysaver.

Google Listen – i am a Podcast fiend. for those of you who aren’t hip to it, podcasts are like DVR for radio. Google Listen performs admirably. Also contains a search function to let you search by topic. I found a few new Pocasts that way.

last.fm – either your a last.fm person or a Pandora person. I’ve had a last.fm account for awhile and this player does a great job. Both let you create personalized “stations” based on your favorite artists, genres or tags.

The Bible, in your pocket! – nuff said. I roll without the paper version at church. Many translations to switch to on the fly and allows for bookmarking passages.

SportsTap – Very nice image gallery to go with the scores. and it updates scores quickly, as evidenced when I used it right at the end of the Superbowl. I am not the biggest sports nut in the world.

Weather Bug – constant temp. on the notification bar, realtime weather alerts and of course, forecasts.

Handcent SMS – this SMS client lets you style your threads like a back and forth conversation and you can configure the look iPhone and Hero style.

also of honorable mention: Drocap2 for Android which i used to create most of these screen captures. (requires a rooted phone)