Not that I’m a journalist, but I’m probably more accurate than most pundits. Here is my personal list of the 10 most memorable events of 2012 – in no particular order.

1. Sandy Hook – a horrible tragedy fresh in our minds and has sparked new debate about gun control. some sensible. some crazy.

2. Election 2012 –  I was going to list the presidential debates, but choices of GOP Nominees who almost made it and their gaffes, the Trump distractions, the amount of money spent by Super PACs and their non return on investment, and Carl Rove’s meltdown stood out for me

3. Hurricane Sandy – it was memorable for several things. the amount of devastation it brought, it was IMHO an election game changer coming after tough debates when the RNC keynote speaker praised the President on the job he was doing, and this became the moment when the Governor and Mayor of New York declared that we living with the reality of climate change.

4. Felix Baumgartner’s space jump –  was pretty cool.

5. NASA’s transition – The Space Shuttle’s final victory lap and the landing and possible discovery of organic material on Mars by the Curiosity rover.

6. Aurora Colorado Shooting – shocking and senseless

7. Benghazi – the the tragic loss of life, and the political mess afterwards started by claims of a cover up

8. Syria – Tens of thousands are killed and hundreds of thousands flee as rebels clash with government forces.

9. Petraeus – The head of the CIA gets done in by some emails.

10. Elmo – nuff  said.

What were yours?