My second stab at colorgenics
– for entertainment purposes only –

You are longing for some love and affection at this time … not that you have been deprived of tender loving care … but there are times when everyone needs to try something new or to go “somewhere” else to perhaps experience that little extra “understanding” …

You are feeling very vulnerable at this time. Nothing seems to be going in the right direction wise … private-life wise.everything… You need some emotional security and an environment which could possibly provide fewer problems, but the way you are feeling – you can’t be bothered even to make the effort.

Circumstances are holding you back…forcing you to back off and to forgo all the pleasures, fun and games for the time being. But this is only a temporary situation…and before you even know it…the situation could change….

Your will-power and stamina are in danger of being overwhelmed by excessive stress. Your resilience and tenacity have become weakened. You are feeling overtaxed, worn out and getting nowhere: but you continue to stand your ground. You feel that this unfavourable situation in an encumbrance which you could well do without, and you find yourself unable to make the necessary decisions at this particular moment in time to change anything…

By trying to cope with conditions which you think are beyond your capabilities has led to considerable anxiety and stress… You now feel that you are not capable to cope with the situation and indeed any situation which could arise from what you consider to be your personal inadequacy.

that’s all well and good as far as canned profiles go, but what if you’re colorblind?