i think someone slipped some crack in that McGriddle i had last week. it just be callin’ me.

I went to get another one yesterday. at 10:20 am. not sure when Mickey D’s stopped serving breakfast. in my singleminded determination, only when in sight of the golden arches i realized my wallet was still at home. when i got back they were serving lunch. the quest continues.

am i the only person who doesn’t get Harry Potter? I tried to watch the first one on HBO and both times I feel asleep.

I’m watching Ice Age last night…there is a scene where John Leguizamo’s Sid is skiing/snowboarding on some bark, saying “Slolam, BABY!”. And I’m thinking, “That’s not right, the term ‘Slolam’ wasn’t invented yet”, while not realizing the impossibility of a talking, snowboarding sloth.