is it just me?

or do UPN’s All Of Us Promos scream “if you think this show sucks because Lisa Raye can’t act, may we remind you that Will Smith is somehow attached to this show – and y’all love Will Smith right??”?

3 thoughts on “is it just me?

  1. And, I thought that it was just me…like they were trying to save the show.

    Lisa Raye is a beautiful woman. but that girl can’t act her way out of a ripped paper bag.

  2. Oh, maybe I missed something. Is Lisa Raye supposed to be acting??? Now I would nominate her for a non acting, non speaking, keep on walking category if one exists.

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1 thought on “is it just me?

  1. I thought I was the only one who did that…every clockwork (pun intended)- never does the alarm wake me!! Dangittt!!

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