my yard game was pretty much non existent for the ’03 and the lawn can verify our two-month $25 water bill. Events will rob me of my will like spraying some weed killer that killed the grass and nourished the weeds. now there are 100 variety of flora flourishing in the back yard. and i need to take blade to blades. I was going to be ambitious and try to mow, weed, trim hedges and spread fertilizer and was pushing around an orange home depot buggy trying to get the tools to accomplish said goals.

but then i thought, “how much of that do i really feel like doing today?” so I ended up getting some hedge shears. After mowing I experimented on the first shrub and it ended up with a wide, flat afro. then I got the hang of it. The worst part is definitely cleaning up afterwards. I wondered if I stepped on the frog in the process. I was tired, drained and hoongry. 5 hours passed from the time I came home from home depot till the time I finished outside. the call from D asking us if we wanted to meet up for dinner was on time.

statiing the obvious: borders is the lightbulb for attracting the most interestingly off kilter personalities in town.

as we returned i saw that i didn’t kill the frog as it was chilling on the rainsoaked front walk waiting for us to get back