I tried to early-vote on my birthday. the line was too long.
I also tried to rake leaves. after an hour it looked like i didn’t do anything.

both were exercises in futility.

but i headed down to the ‘ville hours behind schedule. went on the plot, saw the inlaws (almost a year to the day of the massive stroke), went out to dinner with new friends. stayed up till 4 AM talking about all kindsa mess.

too many punchlines – the most used word of the weekend: perineum

went to the game, but didn’t go into the game. napped. went to the que party. saw many familiar faces. those who still looked good, those who didn’t look too good, those who looked better, those who i forget the context of our familiarity, those who I swear I don’t know but they say the lived in my dorm.

we stayed out in the cut for cut rates. non-fruit-havin’ continiental breakfast of eggs, grits and gravy with a tacky warning sign outside saying there’ll be a carryout charge of $100 if we get caught removing this marvelous feast from the dining area.

lots of Google hits since – welcome!