File this under observations. This is by no means a universal assessment of all men and women, it’s just a random sampling.

There’s a period newly into a relationship where the couple is smack-dab in Lovey-Doveyville, when sharing food is adorable. Eating off each others plate is not frowned upon, but encouraged!

Cut to a point in the undetermined future. It becomes Survival Of The Fittest. If the male asks for a bite, after the dirty look the female obscures 95% of the sandwich, so that the male has to squint and contort his mouth sideways to get a nibble. If the female asks for a bite, the male acquiesces, only to see the female disengage her jaw from its hinges and devour most of the offering.

The above example is if the meal is desirable. If not, the female goes, “ugh! this is NASTY…you want the rest?”

Like I said, just a random sampling…