Every time I give blood it hurts more than the last time. I don’t mind mostly, I just am concerned about if they know what they are doing. The lady didn’t even warn me before she stuck me. They usually do. I am glad I was paying attention. It’s funny what you can tolerate. I don’t mind giving blood but I can’t watch TLC operations. Janeen loves TLC but if there’s a news story about an animal being potentially hurt, she dives for the remote.

Never mind that 5 people died in the house fire, just as long as the cat was ok.

it’s rollercoaster time again. there are more reports about people getting hurt and killed and Janeen doesn’t like it when they televise it, because she thinks it will affect my wanting to go. She’s right. That is the one thing I do just for her. feeling like you are about to die is not fun to me.