Larry David is a genius. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am. After the Michael Richards N-word debacle, Larry coincidentally or strategically made “The Blacks” one of Curb Your Enthusiasm’s season-long subplots. The Blacks were a Katrina-displaced african american family from New Orleans who Larry’s wife Cheryl suggest they adopt. One of the funniest episodes of the season has Larry saying the N-word (in the context of repeating someone else’s comments) and getting caught at the worst possible times.

(language not safe for work)

    Much has been said about Curb’s ad-libbed format, and it’s entertaining to see it again all come together in Seinfeldian synchronicity at the end. In retrospect I think that Larry in his own twisted logic decided to embrace and exploit the largest complaint about his most noted previous work: a general omission of “The Blacks”. He pulled it off and well. Here’s the final scene of the season finale. Unexpected and hilarious.