We went to Asheville as was the plan. Although my brother in law and his family came up, but they stayed at the house in Spindale. Asheville is my favorite place in North Carolina to visit it feels like what I imagined San Francisco to be like. it is very artsy, very liberal  very expressive and diverse.

There was a big Monsanto demonstration going on in town and I will later find out they were maybe going on around the country today.

Me Noelle Betty and Zoe spent about 3 to 4 hours walking around downtown. It never disappoints and Noelle and I agree that if we were able to make it big we would move to Asheville or at least have a place there.

I shot with the 50 mm during the walkabout. I messed around and had been using aperture mode after years of shooting in manual. Back to manual mode and got my eye back
