I had this weird Vanilla Sky moment last night, I was the best man at my friend Dave’s wedding (even though he’s been married longer than me) and I couldn’t find the ring. I was chaeuffering also. and then I woke up in bed thinking I must have blacked out before the wedding and somehow driven home 5 hours and not remembered how I got there. and worried about if I ruined the ceremony. sure that this was all real. then I discovered J had her little heat fan on, some of it blowing on me for over an hour, adding to my dementia.

I saw Vanilla Sky during the time that I took a blog haitus so I never spoke on it, but I really really detested that movie…I didn’t buy what they were trying to sell. I’m not telling people not to see it, go see it and we’ll discuss the list of reasons why i didn’t like it. J liked it until I broke it down.

come to think of it the last 3 Tom Cruise movies I’ve seen I’ve come away with a sense of confusion (w/ the plot or why he chose it): Mission Impossible I, Eyes Wide Shut and this