a modestly average mind

there’s a lot of stuff going on inside my head, none of it I feel’s significant enough/relevant enough/public enough to blog. my head’s filled with clutter…i need my brain’s recycling bin to be emptied and disk space defragged.

my short story’s beginning to materialize although I haven’t got my book and missed the second class on account of my key failing to turn when I tried to start the car after gassing up on the way to class from work. tumbler doohicky-still under warranty. I failed to finish reading my book for the book club in time…I was almost there too, and from what I gather, it’s probably not worth picking up to satisfy my curiosity. I’m on a soundtrack kick again. I listened to an entire album in Borders, just standing there with those headphones. i’m now one of those people…I had to turn it up because the local band in the coffeeshop was loud as hell. whose idea to put a band in a bookstore? but I guess if you’re reading for free you don’t have a lot to bitch about.

Sonic Adventure is quite good…for a 2 year old $9.99 game…