Spoilers ahead – proceed at your own risk

Remember Multiplicity with Michael Keaton and Andie McDowell? probably not, but I like Michael and sci fi so i caught it on cable and basically he cloned himself so he could be more efficient, but his clones made copies of a copy with less than stellar results.

So goes Revolutions. A lot of the mysticism from the pristine original becomes mumbo jumbo. What was once deep now seems made up as they went along.

Jada Pinkett Smith was easy on the eyes.

I was wondering if Neo was mentally impaired…it didn’t occur to me until this episode how much he asks questions, that’s all he does. like he doesn’t understand what’s going on at any point in time. I suppose he represents the viewer.

I didn’t buy the love story at all in this one, and was wanting Trinity to hurry up with her dramatic moment so the rest of the story could move on. Throughout this movie I kept thinking of the Wizard of Oz where they pull the curtain back and the Wizard really isn’t all that he’s cracked up to be. I would try to match up Oz characters to Matrix characters, but the only good fit was Neo to Dorothy. and then I thought to myself what does that say about the movie if i have time to do all of this thinking?

Nona Gaye is pure hotness. More Nona? Yes, please.

The fight for Zion was exciting, although the action was mostly hard to distinguish. it took me a little while to figure out the layout of the city. And where were the air-traffic controller people who were in the all-white technologically superior environment from Reloaded? I never knew where they were exactly, since Zion doesn’t seem to have a laundrymat.

It wasn’t a bad movie…it was frustratingly so-so. The blind date was not a total disaster, but I’m just not sure if there was closure.