despite leaving the house w/ the tank on “E” and trying my best to circumvent the next-to-the-last minute Friendly (ha!) Center shoppers, I made it to the noon showing. pretty good crowd for that time. didnt have time to get my Reeces Pieces, so that helped keep me awake in the 3rd act. As far as “political” thrillers, Syrianna was the best I’ve seen this year. Munich was a good history lesson for me, having known only that there was an incident in Munich where there were Israeli atheletes murdered, although I’ll have to do more research since there’s controversy out about the veracity of the film. It’s about a covert group of operatives hired to take out the people who planned the Munich incident. And when you have The Hulk (Eric Bana), James Bond (Daniel Craig) , and Julius Caesar (Ciarán Hinds) wrecking shop then you will get dealt with. I’ll agree with other reviews that I happened to view that it ran a bit long, and that it doesn’t appear to take sides. You get to hear arguments on both sides. Three out of Four Reeces Pieces.