the committed post

Homecoming is this weekend. I am committed to going now, because the inlaws are there, and it was put out there that I would be in town. I’m on the fence about it…the glory days of college are fading memories, and all of the people I’d like to see I already do. except for one or two people. I know the same heads will be there sprinkled among the crop of fresh-faced-and-looking-younger-every-year undergrads. Homecoming is always near my birthday, this one is a supposed milestone. the big three five. I don’t know where on the hill that puts me. Nothing ever lives up to the hype. Sure it’s cool, but I don’t feel any different…more like older, more experienced version of my socially awkward 17 year old self.

my wife’s coworker’s husband committed suicide last week. Just called her up at work, told her what affairs to get in order and to come home immediately. damn. he was going to be 29 on friday, father to a baby…what goes through your head mentally to make you contemplate and commit to that course of action?