we celebrated our 5th anniversary last night at a nice restaurant, trading cards before we got out of the car.

That was one of the most odd experiences, trying to find an anniversary card that didn’t say “forever” or “always” in it. Once out of the traditional section i did find a card in the humorous section that fit, one with the theme that after everything else changes, love still remains.

She got me a card too, with a Gamespot gift card, which i didn’t expect, or think about. but it was greatly appreciated, since ESPN 2K5 is coming out on the 20th. I have to get her something soon.

The meal itself was decent, we both had salmon, J didn’t enjoy hers. I’ve had better. I wonder if it’s because she’s still dealing with a 2 day old root canal.
On the way home we drove past a murder scene.

The house is now on the market.

I told some of my coworkers today, which for me is the hardest thing out of this situation, saying it out loud, to me, says “i’m a failure”. what I’ve gotten consistently is a look of “stop joking” disbelief, then wide eyed, “oh my gosh, I’m sorry” and then i comfort them and left them know it’s really ok. and at that point they’re reeling from it and trying to come to terms it.