1966 – Year of the Horse
Horses are hardworking people who are generally well liked and admired. As well as working hard, they play hard.

Horses are born under the twin sign of elegance and ardour. Horses are independent, and are well known for their individuality. They intuitively gravitate towards tasks to which they are well suited. This, together with their hard working nature invariably leads to success.

The horse is a strong masculine sign, and both male and female horses are fairly laid back and easy going, while at the same time being direct. Asked for an opinion, the horse will give it, and where factual matters are concerned, the horse is a good source of reliable information.

The horse is a placid person; however, if their passions are brought to the boil, the result is not easily forgotten – wild horses are hard to calm down. In the home the horse is a steady partner, although they are likely to give as much attention to their work as to their families. Horses easily fall in love, but there are many passing relationships before a long-term partner is found.

Horses born under the element sign of fire are said to be blessed with great fortune or cursed will great misfortune. Sometimes they are served both, but in any event, a fire horse will never lead a ‘normal’ life.

Greatest Enmity : Rat

1972 – Year of the Rat

A bit of a charmer, the rat is usually welcome anywhere; however, generally has few close friends. The rat is intelligent, quick-witted and hardworking. Somewhat ambitious, with a tendency to be frivolous with material possessions. The rat is strongly family oriented, enjoys thrills but is easily bored. A little insecure and can lack boldness. The rat is an opportunist who lives for the moment and rarely plans for the future. All rats have a propensity for aggression; however, this is seldom expressed physically, but rather in fretting over details and being overly concerned about trivialities.

Although the rat was first to arrive at the Buddha’s door, it was through running up the ox’s tail (who arrived first because of its great strength) and over its back, thereby the rat pipped the ox to the post! According to legend, the ox has yet to forgive the rat. There is also another legend involving the rat, and the “13th animal”, the cat.

Greatest Enmity : Horse