the independence day post

this box that we call marriage, at once a sturdy container that i unknowingly used to shield myself from lonliness, can also be a claustrophobic prison that breeds torment.

we’ve become comfortable in dicussing our discomfort. comfortable enough for us to rationally review our options and initiating discussions of an amicable split.

<footnote>i composed most of this blog in my head last night at a party where someone was talking to me and we were both left of sober and i tuned them out for a good 15 minutes. as i transcribe my thoughts, j surfs the web in the other room for legal options</footnote>

j: we can get an online divorce for two hundred dollars

over the past few weeks and months we’ve mastered displaying our faults and weilding our intolerances to a well honed craft.

J: i believe we can qualify for an annulment

i love j to death. she just irks the shit out of me at times. a lot here lately, more than i think should be necessary. and i believe i can speak for her in saying the feeling’s mutual on her part.

J: i think the first thing we need to do is sell the house

the baggage i wield that makes me who i am clashes with the baggage that makes j who she is. and we’re just wired so that to make it work, one of us would have to change drastically. and that’s really not fair to either of us. is it?

the flashback of past failed relationships i had yesterday would make me think I might have the sack just a little bit bigger than the overhead compartment will allow. time for more of that old self discovery thing.

j: so what are we going to do?

to be continued…