J’s 30 today and we’ll celebrate in Vegas. I really hope no one tries to make any Mayday terrorist plans involving flights. I had this idea to take 24 pictures, one an hour. a day in the life and blog it – like the show 24 but with less of a commitment. we’ll see if i still feel like it. about 6 or 7 of those pictures will be total darkness with a timestamp. i bet you’ll tell me it’s been done before. well it’d be done again

I went to writing class on monday after spending time in the Border’s coffee shop as is my ritual and I figured out that’s why my encounters with the teacher are so spirited. I was so hopped up on caffiene while talking about my collage I was freestyling…spittin spoken word barrages, word associations and verbal beatdowns. It’s interesting trying to be creative visually and verbally at the same time. the collages varied greatly, some from neat, to cluttered to chaotic. I feel mine was the only one you could look at an understand totally what I was trying to say. would I think otherwise?