i took the day off today to physically look at the interiors of the models at the two places i had in mind. my feelings shift daily about what i want. im not feeling either place based on different factors. it’s like I’m stuck between the dwelling versions of Bush and Kerry.

on the way home yesterday i see that someone’s parked outside our house and i check my voicemail to verify if we have a window shopper. we do. i turn around and call C to see if i can drop by her mysterious fortress of solitude townhome. i hadn’t considered townhouses — i’d been set on building something new.

man i loved her place. ok now i want her exact layout, w/o the commute.

im where i want something that is small because it’s temporary, transitional — but then why would it temporary? am i assuming i’m not going to be single again in the short term? then if it’s not temporary i don’t want to get something that I’m going to be stuck with and grow to hate.

i think it’s time i get a realtor.