j’s birthday is fast approaching and she either wants Vegas or Carrowinds. neither of which contain overly fond experiences for yours truly. i casually say we’ll go to Vegas if I can get the HDTV I’ve been eyeing. she bites. it can’t be that easy can it? we’ll see. Viva Las Vegas.

the doc gave me some medication that induces the sandpaper cottonmouth and yesterday I emptied the 64 oz jug three times trying to obey my thirst. the two gas stations on Elm Eugene near Goodwill claimed to be out of order much to my dancing dismay.

2 weeks ago they replaced our office doors and put in a little glass pane with a wire mesh. the carpenter must have gotten cut in the process and apparently bled on both me and A’s door to our discovery after our meeting. it seemed timely this time of year and all. this first born baby boy is safe for the time being. hope this doesn’t mean a promotion passover, however.