i went by C’s place on Thursday night because I had never been there and we’d been friends for too long for me to not have (G, I’m a hypocrite in this regard). And i wanted to see her townhouse and i hadn’t considered getting one.

man that thing was amazing. kinda like being on the set of a metro-based television show. covetousness coursed through my veins. so now i wanted to add townhomes to my list of places to scout the next day, which i took off from work.

the first one i hated. and it was ugly, cheap-looking and overpriced. and the lady was trying to hard to asses my means. the second ones were on the aight side of nice. by accident i went down the road on the way to the homes i decided on by default, and found a brand new place that hadn’t any occupants.

some luxury townhomes that i lust after and want more than anything electronic. D & C saw it the next day and they were feeling it like i was.
i don’t know if i can swing it with my new smaller cash flow. but my trusty pro-bono business manager will crunch.

everything else now looks like crap. yeah, I’m materialistic, i realize that, but damn. this place is literally a brickhouse.

and i have to remind myself the option still depends on selling the house.