while running around this weekend in Fayetteville I was reminded i should stop by and see the inlaws, which had slipped my mind. i was bit hung over on saturday and the fayetteville sun was cooking my brain. my frat C was following me to the hotel because he didn’t know where it was. and i decided on the spur of the moment to stop by there and say hello, although sleep was the most pressing need.

i had no real expectations, no thoughs of what was going to happen, just a pop over to speak. but when mom-in-law opened the door and said her high pitched “Hiii” after i rang the bell, the waterworks started. I have no idea why. and pop-in-law who i had not seen in a while was sitting at the table and said his usual “Heeeeey”. More tear duct malfuction. and i tried to converse like nothing had happened. pop-in-law gave me a powerful handshake with his good hand and i hugged him around his thin hard shoulders. and it hit me there and then this might be the last time I’ll be seeing them.