Back from rafting alive and in one piece. It was fun but I didn’t know the first thing to get wet would be my shoes, socks and feet. The rafts are designed with holes in the bottom. Our guide instructed us to head for this rock that looked like one of those waterski ramps…I don’t know what the desired effect was, but I ended up in the water. talk about refreshing. all of these women pulling me back into the raft… (the other 4 were two female couples). I could have done without the train ride…it was aight…they made a point of no smoking on the open cars of the train when the engine was a coal burner that left a dark gray trail of pollution for miles.

at lunch one of the people in our party was talking shop. She’s a Civil Rights attorny in Fla. She spoke about the prospect of losing 30 years of Civil Rights gains in one year. She spoke about the Adam’s Mark lawsuit.

Boycott the Adam’s Mark. Boycott the Adam’s Mark. Boycott the Adam’s Mark.

it was a nice diversion from the every day drama. now back to our regularly scheduled drama.