
yep. i’m that dorky that I came back to the room to blog it. now, off to the reception.

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this trip was one of the most random experiences I’ve undergone. I decided literally less than a week before that I was going. I wasn’t at all feeling the drive – 6+ hours or so. That was the one thing that had me wishy washy about the whole thing. Well by the time I looked into room rates, they were $179/night – Hells NO! – I’m not driving 12 hours to pay $358 plus tax for a room. Sorry T, don’t hate me.

Then I was like, T’s my girl, and I promised…and being through a reception planning event, you think nasty thoughts about the people who R.S.V.P’d and pull a no show, cuz them plates cost.

So I researched my options and Hotwire.com had a slamming air/hotel/rental package which came out cheaper than the $358. And away we go…

terminal.jpgI hate flying but I love airports. I like sitting there and watching people go by, there are like dozens of journey segments passing before you every second. I try to imagine what peoples stories are. Airport terminals are the only place where you can see people dressed in tropical shirts and shorts and others in bundled up in winter gear you and not think anything about it.

I knew i was going to get more scrutiny by security for all of the gadgets i was toting. the compact flash card i forgot was in my pocket got me some extra special attention from this bigger than me scurl wearing magic wand waving official.

Sorry I forgot that was in my pocket – over to the side? sure no problem.
*Weeooo* no I don’t have anything in my neck that’s metallic. Hm. I forgot about that dry cleaner’s safety pin. oh my.

then comes the patdown, the stocking feet scan, the belt buckle fold-down and all that stuff. I didn’t mind, as long as I got there safely.

Since E dropped me off early I had ample time, and I sat there and watched Hero on the laptop. but in my haste I FORGOT TO EAT, and I’d be damned if I pay $8 for an airport sammich.

I hate takeoffs the most. Then comes turbulence, then the decent. Me and God got reaquainted with each other.

I have the least amount of faith that my bags will get there with me, and it’s always a minor miracle when I see them coming around on the moving bag path thingie. it’s like Magic!

Nashville’s more metro than I thought, Hummers at the Hertz, Hummer limos downtown, no cowboy hats in sight. Bigger than Winston, more like a Charlotte.

Brothaman at the hotel front desk hooked me up w/ free parking at the deck for the weekend. He had the oddest looking fingers – bulbous at the tips including his fingernails almost like ET. I took the wireless internet which came in handy. Since I didn’t know anyone, and I figured the bride probably would be busy the night before the wedding I winged it on my own. I had to get some grub and found a Quiznos and inhaled a large sandwich when i got back to the room. I went back down there to get a cookie later but everything in the immediate vicinity was shut down at 5 or 6.


Cut to the ceremony – The big day comes, the people come down the aisle of the nice big looks-like-a-megachurch. The groomsmen come from front of the church and meet the women 1/4 of the waynand bow and the bridesmaids
curtsey. Here comes the bride. Vows were read – hey I remember those. Bubbles are blown instead of rice thrown.

t_wedding_girls.jpgThe reception was nice, everyone was happy, good conversation, soul train lines, cha-cha slides and cake. I met some nice people and it was a great chance to get away.
